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Ecovet Eco - Travel Liquid

1 customer reviews

Ecovet Eco - Travel Liquid

$34.15 $24.39

  • $34.15 $24.39
  • Easy-to-use formula
  • Efficiently reduces anxiety and stress symptoms
  • Homeopathy medicine
  • Works for several animals and birds
  • No known case of side effects
  • Information
  • Features
  • How to Use
  • Safety
  • Ecovet Eco - Travel Liquid Ingredients
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Ecovet Eco-Travel Liquid for Animals

What is Eco-Vet Eco-Travel?

Rendered by Eco-Vet, Eco-Travel is formulated to deal with anxiety, stress, and related symptoms. It is beneficial for various animals and birds including cats, dogs, horses, lambs, ostriches, parrots, and pigeons. The effective supplement constitutes of minute doses of material substance which makes it highly unlikely for a situation of overdose to arise.

How does it work?

Formulated to help animals cope with anxiety during stressful situations like travel, performance, loud noise, etc. the product can be used to calm pets on several occasions. You can administer this product before traveling; when you’ re moving to a new, unfamiliar place, or for animals showcasing chronic instances of anxious behaviors.


  • Helps decrease the anxiety and stress levels of animals and birds 
  • Deals with travel-based issues like motion sickness and vomiting.
  • Effective remedy for the treatment of hyperactivity, irritability, restlessness, and nervous tension.
  • Can be used as a preventive measure before indulging your pet in a stressful situation.

How to Use

  • The recommended dose of medicine is to be mixed with water. If water doesn’t suit your pet, you can administer the medicine with milk. As a last resource, you can also put it on a treat and feed it to your pet. However, that is a comparatively slower and less efficient process.
  • Let the mixed solution stand for a while so that the alcohol from the solution evaporates.
  • Either give the diluted formula directly into the pet’s mouth or add it to their drinking water.
  • You must administer the supplement at an interval of at least 10 minutes from food, or other supplements.

Frequency of Doses and Administration

  • Administer the recommended dose 3 times, 12 hours before traveling.
  • Administer the recommended dose every 30 minutes for 3 doses if needed for symptom recovery.

Recommended Dose and Administration

20 drops = ± 1 ml


Directions for use

Small birds

(parrots, racing pigeons)

For every 20 ml of clean, drinking water, add a drop of Eco-Vet and administer it directly into the mouth.

Medium size birds

(chickens, geese, ducks)

For every 20 ml of drinking water, add 2  drops of Eco-Travel, and administer directly into the mouth.

Larger birds


For every 20 ml of drinking water, add 4 drops of Eco-Travel, and administer directly into the mouth.

Kittens, puppies, and small mammals

(hampsters, rabbits, mice, etc.)

Take 5 drops of Eco-Travel and add to 5 ml of drinking water. Leave it to stand for a few minutes. Then administer 0.25 ml of the diluted mixture directly into the mouth. 

If not, you can also add 10 drops of Eco-Travel for every 100 ml of drinking water.

Cats and Small dogs

( < 17.6 lbs)

Take 10 drops of Eco-Travel and mix with 5 ml of drinking water. Leave it to stand for a few minutes. Then, administer 0.5 to 1.0 ml of the diluted mixture directly into the mouth. 

Alternatively, add 10 drops of Eco-Travel for every 100 ml of drinking water.

Medium dogs

(17.6- 33 lbs)

Administer 10 drops of Eco-Travel mixed with 2 ml of drinking water directly into the mouth.

Large dogs

( > 33 lbs)

Administer 20 drops of Eco-Travel mixed with 2 ml of drinking water directly into their mouth.

Foals, Ponies Lambs & Kids

Add 60 drops (3 ml) of Eco-Travel to 3 ml of clean water and leave to stand for a few minutes.

Administer the diluted mixture directly into the mouth.


Add 100 drops (5 ml) of Eco-Travel to 5 ml of clean water and leave to stand for a few minutes.

Administer the diluted mixture directly into the mouth.


  • Do not store at a temperature above 77 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • The medicine consists of a percentage of alcohol. So dilute it as recommended before administering it.
  • Keep away from children and pets
  • Only to be administered to pets
  • Protect the medicine from being exposed to direct sunlight.

Ecovet Eco - Travel Liquid Ingredients

  • Anamirta Cocculus 10X
  • Apomorphinum 30CH
  • Borax 12X
  • Cephaelis Acuminata 30CH
  • Erythroxylon coca 30CH
  • Petroleum 12X
  • Sanicula europaea 8X
  • Scutellaria lateriflora 6X
  • Tabacum 12X
  • Veratrum album 12X
  • 20% Ethanol

Ecovet Eco - Travel Liquid Reviews (1)

Product Rated 5/5 (1 customer review)
Johnson – June 08, 2023
Excellent Service

This is just wonderful. Works really well.