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HomeoPet Skin and Itch Relief for Dogs and Cats

34 customer reviews

HomeoPet Skin and Itch Relief for Dogs and Cats

$27.29 $19.49

  • $27.29 $19.49
  • Immediate relief from skin problems
  • Reduces excessive scratching and rashes on the skin
  • Provides a soothing effect
  • Treats severe skin conditions very efficiently
  • Suitable for all dog and cat breeds
  • Information
  • Features
  • How to Use
  • Safety
  • HomeoPet Skin and Itch Relief Ingredients
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HomeoPet Skin and Itch Relief - Skin Care for Dogs   

What is HomeoPet Skin and Itch Relief?

HomeoPet Skin and Itch Relief is a revolutionary product that provides immediate relief to dogs, cats, ferrets and other small animals from skin irritation, itching and hair loss. Its intense detoxifying and soothing formula treats scabs, rashes, bad odor, itching, urticaria and eczema. Since the product is completely natural, it poses no risk of side-effects.  

How It Works?

Skin and itch relief has a detoxifying effect that releases allergens causing itching, scratching and dermal problems from the pet’s body. The product also stops hair loss, gnawing and assuages extreme skin conditions like eczema, scabs, urticaria and rashes.


  • Reduces itching, scratching, bad odor and rashes on the skin
  • Highly effective in treating severe skin conditions like eczema and urticaria
  • Reduces body odor significantly
  • The product doesn’t have any side-effects
  • Provides calming effect to the skin

How to Use

  • Institute directly on the lips of the animal.
  • Else, mix it with food, water or milk if the animal seems distressed
  • If the pet is sensitive to alcoholic preservatives, it is better to wait for 10-20 minutes to let the odor evaporate before administering the dose
  • The product can also be sprayed in the air around the pet for providing instant relief.
  • Give the dose as per the age.
  • 5 drops for animals under 20lbs of weight.
  • 10 drops for animals weighing between 21 to 60lbs.
  • 15 drops for animals weighing between 61-100lbs.
  • 20 drops for animals weighing over 100lbs.


  • Check for sensitivity by giving just one drop initially
  • Do not overdose by any chance
  • Store it in a cool and dry place
  • Consult a vet before treating pregnant animals
  • Keep out of reach of children and other pets
  • Wash hands after treating the animal

HomeoPet Skin and Itch Relief Ingredients

Graphites (Black Lead), Pulex Irritans (Common Flea), Rhus Toxicodendron (Poison Oak), Staphysagria (Stavesacre), Sulphur, Urtica Urens (Stinging Nettle)

HomeoPet Skin and Itch Relief Reviews (34)

Product Rated 4.6/5 (34 customer reviews)
Liz – August 18, 2024
Scratching no more

A helpful product in reducing scratching. Works for my pet..

Helen – July 28, 2024
Safe option

It gives relief from itching without causing any side effects. A safe option for my pet..

Ryan – June 08, 2024
Odor no more

My baby doesn't smell bad anymore. Good product..

Robin – May 18, 2024
Controls odor

My baby doesn't smell bad anymore. Superb product..

Aden – April 17, 2024
Outstanding efficacy

Outstanding efficacy in controlling parasites without fail..

Mark – February 20, 2024
Perfect fit for purpose

Provides great relief from allergies to my pets and keeps his skin and coat in top condition.

Emmett – January 24, 2024
Best skin care

Helps promote temporary relief skin relief and controls seasonal allergies.

Archer – December 20, 2023
Amazing med

This skin relief formula actually works well for keeping my ithcy dogo relaxed and calm.

William – November 25, 2023
SKin Care

Removes itchiness within hours of administration,.

Evan – October 18, 2023
Regular User

Using this for my pals for the past few months and got great results for his skin health..